Category Archives: Storage

Cloud Storage Guidelines

Microsoft OneDriveMicrosoft OneDrive

OneDrive is available as part of your college Microsoft Office 365 subscription. 50GB of space is provisioned in the cloud for you.


While DropBox has become a household brand and popular favourite among academics, Royal Holloway do not officially sanction its use.


All data stored within the cloud must meet the following requirements:

  • Data covered under the Data Protection Act (any data that includes personal data of Staff or Students) must not be stored on Cloud Storage
  • Any research data stored should be suitably encrypted or access restricted.
  • A suitably secure password must be used to secure access your Cloud Storage account.
  • Password must not be re-used for any other service
  • Two-Factor authentication should be used where possible
  • Any Data-Loss from cloud-services is entirely the responsibility of the person using that cloud service.