I am unable to print

If you are a member of the School of Mathematics and Information Security, or the Department of Computer Science, the printer you should be using is CIMPrintRelease on rhulprint.rhul.ac.uk

Common reasons you’re unable to print.

You’re not connected to the network

Please check your network connections and try again.

You’re connected to Eduroam

Eduroam is designed to work at the University, but not for it. At Royal Holloway our Eduroam network is airgapped from the main network to prevent any access to local resources by visitors. In order to use any internal services (Printing, File Shares, etc) you must be connected to the CampusNet WiFi, or via Ethernet (Wired).

Your print credit is too low

CIM offers free Black and White printing to Computer Science, Information Security and Mathematics. In order to use free printing, you must have a positive credit showing of at least 10p.

Colour printing is charged at the University-wide rate for all non-staff.

Your Account Name (Mac and Linux user) has changed

For Mac users and Linux user the username must remain as it was set up by CIM at the first time, ( XXXX1234 ) otherwise the printing system cannot identify the correct printing job owner.

Your print job contains corrupted data

Occasionally when printing a PDF you will notice that the job does not print at all, or the printer crashes while trying to spool the job from the server. This is normally due to corrupted postscript contained within the PDF.

To rectify this, simply export the PDF file to another PDF file using File Export options, (or print it to a PDF file using Google Chrome). Doing this distils the Postscript and fixes any issues. You should now be able to print the newly generated PDF file without any issues.

If the problem persists, set the option print as images to avoid not supported commands for our server.

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